The spirit of this world is very mysterious. The soul influences the reality, and the illusion turns into reality. With the help of the future master, Li Xiu understands the essence of this way, the truth and the illusion, and wants to condense the third yuan God, the true and the false yuan God.

After several years of hard realization, Li Xiu felt that the day of successfully uniting the third yuan God was not far away. By that time, he might be able to create his own supernatural power, which involves all aspects, and not stick to the Tao and Dharma.

After breaking up the spirit of Shang Tianhe and extracting his memory, Li Xiu has roughly known the cause and effect of this matter.

One day, in the sun palace, the idea of flying a nine robber thunder immortal from nowhere fell into the hands of the emperor of Shang, which recorded that Li Xiu had the other side artifact, the Tathagata cassock.

Who practices in the world is not to cross the bitter sea, to reach the other side, to reach everything. The precious artifacts on the other side need not be much. The emperor of Shang immediately thought about it, but he also knew it was strange. I'm afraid someone wanted to use him, and even calculated him. He was cautious for a moment.

But on one side, Shang Tianhe didn't think so much about it. He went straight to the whole world quietly. His mind was complicated. Some wanted to win the Tathagata cassock and give it to the emperor of Shang. Some wanted to win the Tathagata cassock and leave it to the emperor of Shang.

Shang Tianhe thought that a few years ago, his strength was no more than the vitality of the creator, and it was not easy to snatch his Tathagata cassock. However, he did not expect that he was defeated by Li Xiu, and he had no power to fight back.

The sun is above nine days, and the people on it have little contact with the world, or disdain to do so.

The most powerful man in the world is only the creator. If he wants to survive on the sun, at least if he is the creator, Shang Tianhe has a high position on the sun. In this way, his arrogance will naturally arise.

Shang Tianhe died on his arrogance. He didn't explore Li Xiu's specific strength, so he came to the door rashly.

The death of Shang Tianhe means that the matter has come to an end for the time being. The emperor of Shang will not be so reckless as Shang Tianhe, but the other side will not give up a magic weapon easily.

The space-time of the sun and the moon above the void is extremely complex. The more it goes up, the more powerful the erosion of the sun and the moon will be. There are many spatial faults, and the small world is more complex than the instant labyrinth. It is the home of the other party's painstaking efforts. It may not be dangerous, but once it is trapped in it, it will not be good.

Li Xiu is now almost the master of thousands. If he disappears for a period of time, he will be taken advantage of by someone who wants to destroy the power he has built. Whether it is mengshenji who has been trying to drive him out of Zhongzhou or the emptiness that has been coveting the world, he is not easy to deal with.

In particular, it is almost certain that one of them did it. There are only a few ghost immortals in the world who will deliberately calculate him, and who else will be there.

Li Xiu speculated that this matter is mostly the work of Meng Shenji. With Xu Yi's strength and identity, why hide and mystify? He can directly cooperate with the emperor of Shang.

But the dream is different. He may have just passed the nine times of thunder, and he is still in a weak period. In addition, what he used to kill with a sword was the artifact from the other side.

If you let the emperor of Shang see Meng Shenji and know his identity, why should the emperor of Shang give up the near and seek the far? Anyway, they are all artifacts from the other side. Maybe he will snatch his eternal kingdom directly. Maybe he will steal the chicken and not eat the rice, so he will hide and shoot the arrow in the dark.

To deal with this matter, Li Xiu's choice is not to act, as if nothing happened, waiting for the emperor to come to the door.

Recently, he is about to gather the third spirit to tide over the nine disasters and usher in an earth shaking strength surge!

Time is precious, waiting is the best choice for him. After he has passed the nine heavy thunder, the emperor of Shang will no longer be a threat. Why should he take the risk to call the door now.

Everything is calm again

Over the extremely high nine days, through tens of millions of miles or even hundreds of millions of miles of void turbulence, there is a strange twisted space-time, in this piece of heaven and earth, the air flow is completely twisted, some places are extremely cold, ice sea icebergs, some places are extremely hot, lava volcanoes.

However, there are also places where the cold and heat alternate and the land is in the middle, which result in large areas of normal floating continents, including oceans and lands, exotic flowers and plants, and fierce beasts.

From these floating continents to Shenyang, those strange and powerful beasts are ten times more powerful than those in the world, but they are extremely fierce, unable to open their minds and embark on the path of practice.

A piece of land, a piece of ice sea, volcanoes, as well as twisted storms, airflow, has extended to the end of time and space, at that end, is the high hanging sun, and the moon.

The sun and the moon, a fireball, an ice hockey, are infinite, emitting boundless heat and cold.

The sun and the moon are of the same size. When the hot light of the sun shines on the moon, the hot flame will turn into extremely cold light, or vice versa, maintaining a delicate balance, which makes people sigh about the mystery of the universe.

In the depths of the sun and the moon, there are countless pavilions, houses and palaces, which seem to be inhabited by gods.

All of a sudden, a void vibrates and collapses slightly, and a transparent star nearly ten thousand feet in size appears. Then, the star shrinks and falls, fixing the distorted space-time in all directions and turning it into a human figure.

As soon as Xuyi appeared, two rainbow appeared in his eyes, one to the deep of the sun and the other to the deep of the moon.

But it was the flame on the sun suddenly fierce up, the sky is full of flames, the overwhelming impact down, flames one after another, fell to many continents, burning a piece of red land.

At the same time, the moon is also a shock, cold storm full of void, and the sun's flame, hit together, burst out more powerful.

"The tides of the sun and the moon!"

Xu Yi is also a little scared, so he hastens to sacrifice to Yang shennian to protect himself.

"The emperor of Shang, the emperor of Yin, I'm a guest from afar today. As the host, why don't I come out to meet the guests, but still so?"

In the tide of the sun and the moon, two kinds of extreme forces vibrate and collide, and the terrorist force is shaking wantonly in the endless void.

Virtual easy to use the idea of the emperor, a roar, the sun and the moon tide also for rolling waves, let the way out, such as hegemony.

In a short time, an incomparable splendid palace soared out of the sun, riding the hot storm, like a huge boat, drifting with the waves.

Flying out of the moon is a bright ice palace, crossing the void on a cold Glacie